- How do I reference emails:Eg, 'Email Correspondence with Ed Hooks, Date'
- Despite not really mentioning some games,
can they still be listed in the bibliography?Yes, as well as books, articles, so long as they have impacted your research in some way, they can still be included in there despite not being cited within the essay.
- While it is not mandatory, how do we
incorporate our practical into the dissertation if we decide to?Mention it briefly in the introduction (Why am doing this research and how does it support my practical) and conclusion (Eg, Tried to approach empathetic characters as Ed Hooks has suggested) 2 paragraphs at most.
- How did games like L.A Noire, The Last of
Us and Beyond: Two Souls avoid the issue of the Uncanny Valley?Actually, L.A Noire still suffers from this, seeing as they were attempting to recreate subtle facial movement that game rigs could not pull off. Wrapping around real video footage. Beyond: Two Souls has really heavy focus on the face. The Last of Us is a little more cartoony than the rest and wasn’t trying to be photo realistic.
- What makes the characters of Telltale
Games strong in terms of empathy?It's story, environment, situation, the decision making, pushing you into that role. Emoting with them. Brilliant voice acting. Connects to first chapter about voice actor or the animator?
- Should I narrow things down even further?Nah.
But yes, it's time I finish up this draft a little more before uploading it to the eStudio, next week onwards, I hope to get more work done for my practical, so that I could actually send an animatic to my music and sound composer.
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